2007年5月4日 星期五

B4 L12
1. 根據傳說,排灣人(Paiwan)是由太陽光孕育而生(bring to life)
According to legend, the Paiwan people were brought to life by the light of the sun.
2.由於這個原因,排灣人至今仍然視(think of)百步蛇為精神伙伴
Because of this, the Paiwan still think of the hundred-pace snake as a spiritual partner today.
3. 據報導,警方已經找回(recover)那件獨特的祖傳陶壼(It…)
It was reported that the police had recovered the unique ancestral clay pot.
4. 正是撒古流(Sakuliu)重新發現(rediscover)這項尊貴的文化遺產(It…)
It was Sakuliu who rediscovered this revered cultural heritage.
5. 等他26歲時,他已經是個很有前途的藝術家(By…)
By the time he was 26, he already had a promising future as an artist.
6. 那兩位台灣原住民(native Taiwanese)唱歌如此好聽令我們不禁大為讚賞
Those two native Taiwanese sang so beautifully that we couldn’t help but marvel.
7. 儘管我以前已經見過她幾次,我還是沒認出她(despite)
I didn’t recognize her despite having met her several times before(despite the fact that I had met her …).

Well...句子有點多...but習作就這麼多題吔...Do your best!!!
