2013年2月8日 星期五

Pursuit of Happiness

What is happiness? One may have all the things he desires but is not happy. One may have nothing but is spiritually rich. "Happiness lies in contentment" may sound like a cliche but, in my opinion, is very very true. A dream job, money, delicacies, fancy dresses, reputation... They do make me happy..for a while... but I still feel down once in a while. At that moment, I'll start wondering if kids will complete me. But do I really want kids? Or I'm just pursuing something I don't have. Groucho Marx said, "Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it." Maybe not thinking too much is the key to happiness.

2013年2月4日 星期一


上週五公佈下學期課表到校網後,就感冒了!這幾天只要手機響就會緊張起來,深怕自己排錯課...深怕...星期日上午去打羽球,下午去爬九九峰,星期一下午和同事去大坑爬五號步道,心情輕鬆了不少,儘管還有一堆事還沒處理,上學期的習作和作文也還沒改,但我決定放下一切,先玩再說!我的麻吉說她覺得當初沒有阻止我接教學組,現在她覺得很對不起我!其實,我的幾個好朋友們,一直很想跟你們說,我超級感激你們的!幫我發資料,陪我吃飯,聽我訴苦,我值班的時候還來學校陪我值班,代課找不到人時二話不說就幫我,段考監考時間被我調來調去,其實對不起的是我!!! 其實接這份工作,我也收獲不少!最棒的是認識了很多很棒的朋友,因為燕枝我開始打羽球,打排球,因而結交了更多朋友!今天和燕枝,俊杰,宜欣,佩宜,必榮去爬山,真的很開心,也看到了大家許多不同的面,這是我本來的教學工作不會體會經驗的事!真的很棒!