2012年4月30日 星期一

Sandwich Time AGAIN!!! S102

This time, I invited a member from each group to be the judge.

2012年3月18日 星期日


隨著年紀的增長,參加葬禮的次數變多了,感受也愈加強烈!前一陣子,我最敬仰的叔公以91高齡過世了,他留在我心中的身影是仔細聽診,不收蘇家子孫一毛錢的醫生!上週,我痛失了一位年僅19歳的學生,看著他送我刻有"Jen Su"的鑰匙圈,想到最後一次在校門口看到他那充滿活力,開心的神情,我好難過。今天去看了「最後十四堂星期二的課」,哭了很多也想了很多!人生的意義,我常在想。不要去愛人,就不會有失去心愛人時的痛苦,我沒想過。時時刻刻覺得死亡就在身邊,就會更把握當下,我常這麼想。每個人都在慢慢的死去,只是速度的差別,但失去朋友親人時,我還是心好痛。一個人有病痛或死去時,天依舊藍,孩童依然歡笑,世界不會因此停下,這點我會牢記在心。豁達看待死亡,我仍然做不到,但會提醒自己,開心付出自己,努力原諒別人也原諒自己,因為沒人能告訴我:是今天嗎?

Oral Tests for Senior 1 Students (Part II)

For S101 & S102 students~

Number 21-24
1. Have you ever had a dream that is unusual? Share it with me.
2. What is the most embarrassing dream you have ever had?
3. Do you think daydreaming is good? What do you always daydream about?

Number 25-28
1. What would you like to do for a living and why do you like this profession?
2. What is the most courageous thing you have ever done in your life?
3. In your mind, what kind of actions can be called courageous?

Number 29-32
1. Water is very important natural resource on earth. Can you think of some good ways to save water?
2. If there were no water, what would our lives be like?

Number 33-36
1. Have you ever been affected by the weather? What kinds of weather may change your mood? Share your experience.
2. Of the four seasons of a year, which do you like best? Why?

Number 37-40
1. Do you know a famous handicapped person? How does his or her attitude toward life inspire you?
2. Which ability do you think is most important to a person -- the ability to see, to speak or to hear? Why?

Number 41-44
1. Do you know of any festivals that are related to ghosts? Please name and describe it.
2. Tell the teacher a ghost story that you experienced personally or that you know from a movie, a book, or your friends.

2012年3月4日 星期日

A letter from Helen of Troy to Paris(By Group 1)

Dear Paris,
I "did" love you so much. As I saw your face, I melted. Every act of you caught my sight.I will never forget the night in Sparta. Nevertheless, I no longer love you because you failed to fight against Menelaus. I can't stand your cowardice anymore! Since I saw how courageous your brother, Hector, was, I have fallen in love with him.
You brought me a great deal of happiness and I do appreciate that. I have to apologize to you, and there is no other way we can be together again! Thanks for your love, SAYONALA!

Wonderful poems from S102

Topic: Bee
The bees are busy,
They love honey.
Sometimes they are crazy.
But sometimes they are lovely.
When bears come to eat,
They will give them a beat.
When they sting,
People will scream.
Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!

Topic: Ladybug
Ladybugs are round,
Hover above the ground.
Please run.
They're lady killers,
And full of colors.

Topic: Fly
I am a fly,
Seeing a pretty butterfly in the sky.
It makes me want to cry.
But I'm still a fly wandering high in the sky.
I see the dragonfly fly in the sky.
It's so proud that I want to hide.
Let's dance together in the light.

Topic: Firefly
You are a pretty firefly.
You like flying in the sky.
You invade my heart like a spy.
You say that you want to live inside.
You say I'm a handsome guy.
You're a pretty girl in my mind.
Do you know
You are mine?

Topic: Butterfly
Lovely butterfly,
Do not cry. Tell me why.
"Because I cannot fly up high."
Don't be shy. Try and try.
Some day you will touch the sky.

Wonderful poems from S101

Topic: Firefly
You are my lover,
Appear in summer.
With the light in the night,
Like a star in the sky.
Don't go out tonight, my firefly.
I couldn't say goodbye.

Topic: Butterfly
Once there was a caterpillar,
Crawling to his lover,
Handed her a letter.
He said,
"Though I'm not a commoner,
An ugly creature,
I can give you the better.
Would you do me a favor
To live with me forever?

Topic: Fly
Fly across the neighborhood,
Saw a piece of food.
Can you stop flying?
You're so annoying.
Always searching for food.
Does it taste that good?

Topic: Butterfly
Fly, fly, fly!
Butterfly flies in the sky.
Sky, sky, sky!
Doesn't fly enough high!
High, high, high!
Caught by a big guy.
Hold on tight!
And then die!

2012年2月7日 星期二

Oral Tests for Senior 1 Students

For S101 & S102,
In the coming semester, you all have to take another oral test. Just like what we have done in the previous semester, you'll be assigned a topic to talk about based on the lessons in the textbook. Remember, it has to be a two-minute speech.

Number 1~4
You may pick one from the following 2 questions.
(1) If you were a parent, which of the following would you not allow your teenager to do and why? (A)stay overnight at a friend's place (B)smoke (C)go on dates (D)get a part-time job
(2) If your parents did not like your friends, what would you do?

Number 5-8
You may pick one from the following 2 questions.
(1) Have you ever been betrayed by a friend? What did he or she do to you?
(2) Imagine what changes you may go through in the next twenty years. What kind of person will you be twenty years from now?

Number 9-12
You may pick one from the following 3 questions.
(1) In your opinion, what can music do for you?
(2) What kind of music do you like? Why? How much do you know about the music you like? Try to describe it.
(3) What are the positive and negative effects that music has on people? Would you prefer listening or not listening to music while doing your homework? Why or why not?

Number 13-16
You may pick one from the following 2 questions.
(1) These days almost everyone has a mobile phone. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the cell phone?
(2) When choosing a mobile phone, which factor(design, price, or function) would you consider as the most important one?

Number 17-20
What are the qualities a good scientist should have? Do you think you possess the qualities required to be a scientist?

2012年1月7日 星期六

Back Again!
