2012年3月18日 星期日

Oral Tests for Senior 1 Students (Part II)

For S101 & S102 students~

Number 21-24
1. Have you ever had a dream that is unusual? Share it with me.
2. What is the most embarrassing dream you have ever had?
3. Do you think daydreaming is good? What do you always daydream about?

Number 25-28
1. What would you like to do for a living and why do you like this profession?
2. What is the most courageous thing you have ever done in your life?
3. In your mind, what kind of actions can be called courageous?

Number 29-32
1. Water is very important natural resource on earth. Can you think of some good ways to save water?
2. If there were no water, what would our lives be like?

Number 33-36
1. Have you ever been affected by the weather? What kinds of weather may change your mood? Share your experience.
2. Of the four seasons of a year, which do you like best? Why?

Number 37-40
1. Do you know a famous handicapped person? How does his or her attitude toward life inspire you?
2. Which ability do you think is most important to a person -- the ability to see, to speak or to hear? Why?

Number 41-44
1. Do you know of any festivals that are related to ghosts? Please name and describe it.
2. Tell the teacher a ghost story that you experienced personally or that you know from a movie, a book, or your friends.
