2007年6月20日 星期三

For Senior 2 Students
1.我父親因公而不在國內 My father is out of the country on business.
2.我每天大約花一小時練習講英文 I spend an hour or so practicing speaking English every day.
3.那位慈愛的母親親了一下小女孩的前額 The kind mother kissed the little girl on the forehead.
4.想要取悅每個人是沒有用的 It is no use trying to please everyone.
5.別擔心,有其他的旅館可以待的 Don't worry. There are other hotels to stay in.
6.在那個湖裏住了一隻怪獸 In the lake lives a monster.
7.正在和李先生講話的那個男孩是新來的 The boy who is talking to Mr. Lee is new here.
8.你應該親自向她道歉 You should apologize to her in person.
9.我在想你是否可以借我一千元 I am wondering if you could lend me one thousand dollars.
10.地上現在是濕的,昨天必定下了雨 The ground is wet; it must have rained yesterday.
