2007年6月20日 星期三

For Senior 2 Students~
1.要不是有一筆貸款(loan),我不可能開創事業 If it had not been for a loan, I couldn't have started my career.
2.要不是那些義工的幫忙,這些傷患無法得到妥善的照顧 The injured could not have been taken good care of but for the help of the volunteers.
3.我在半夜的時候被地震搖醒,嚇個半死 I was awakened by an earthquake in the middle of the night, feeling scared to death.
4.一位勇敢的男士冒著生命危險去救那位溺水(drowning)的小孩 A brave man risked his life to rescue the drowning child.
5.你越看生活的光明面,你就越快樂 The more you look at the bright side of life, the happier you will be.
